Leave No Customer Behind: Be There and Be Great by Leveraging Data Analytics and Insights


JULY 2020

By: Heather Barrow

There is no question that big brands, enterprises, small and medium businesses, government agencies and other organizations now understand the value of cultivating long-term, loyal relationships.

There is also no question that this and future generations have come to expect fast, friendly, accurate service with happy endings, on their terms, on their timetable, and on the channels of their choice.

The CX and contact center industries have been through a lot over the last few decades, and today – in the context of a global pandemic that has changed and will continue to change the way we work, learn, travel, live and play, delivering personalized conversations with great empathy, we must still evolve and change so we can adapt and thrive.

A few months ago, as part of my role as Product Manager for my company Eventus, leading the development and management of IntelligenceHub, a software platform that makes data aggregation, normalization, analytics and business insights easier for our clients, I started developing a whitepaper which was released yesterday.

Little did I know at that time, in the middle of delivering a “Mega Release” of the platform, that I, along with millions of other working parents, would find myself not only working from home, but working harder from home, in large part due to the surge in demand for Eventus services – mainly helping large enterprises shift to cloud contact center, in some cases over a weekend.

It’s been scary and inspiring at the same time, and as I and my team, our clients and partners, our company and every company were forced to adapt instantly, I became even more aware of the value of big data analytics put to work to improve experiences.

The research and development of the whitepaper took on new meaning, and I’m excited to share it with the world today – a story about how Eventus took on big challenges associated with data deluge, new regulations in place to protect privacy, requirements to automate to keep up with a pace of change that itself accelerated.

Companies without advanced analytics are leaving opportunities to improve service and lower cost on the table. Too many companies are not leveraging the data they have, but are ironically creating even more data when they start to add new applications and services, often from a mix of different vendors, using a mix of different APIs, and waking up one day to a world where there is infinite data – and little insight.

To truly put the customer at the center of everything, CXOs and their teams need to commit to advanced approaches that are fueled by data and made useful through analytics and business intelligence services. By services, we mean more than generating reports (which can now be automated) and checking regulatory audit boxes (which can also now be automated).

By services, we mean the ability to create notifications and alerts which help managers coach better, and which help make agents’ jobs more enjoyable and empowering.

Unlike legacy data and analytics solutions, which helped companies understand what is currently happening within their contact centers, advanced analytics help them generate actionable insights about what will happen next.

The proven result is reduced costs, increased revenue, and happier customers. How do we know this? Eventus runs contact centers and CX programs for large enterprise who deal with millions of consumer interactions annually – and we built IntelligenceHub for ourselves, and saw over the first few years what a dramatic difference it made – in a short period of time.

Eventus has continued to invest, and beyond being proud to offer this whitepaper, I am even more proud of the work our developers have done with a great investment by the leadership team at Eventus who support a very modern vision for CX, after serving hundreds of clients in their desire to rethink, redesign and remaster customer service across all channels.

Software platforms including IntelligenceHub have been proven to reduce average handle time, reduce call volume, enhance resilience and agility (so important at times like these), and truly put the customer first.

Here are a few excerpts from the whitepaper to illustrate what that means:

Today, as we surge into this third new decade, virtual contact centers and CX programs are becoming so intelligent that big data analytics and automation are inevitable. Brick and mortar centers are being altered or even completely replaced by fully virtualized and digitally transformed contact center and CX platforms requiring little or no capex.

So much value is being created through new technologies and business models that investments are being made not in traditional contact centers but in data analytics that lead to unique insights that are tightly coupled with marketing campaigns for a full customer lifecycle experience. Now, contact centers can understand the life cycle of customer engagement which allows them to enhance the company’s ongoing relationship with customers and continuously improve their experience with the business.

This is all being supported by big data in the cloud, and it brings new challenges for operators and enterprises. The variety of digital communication channels available today inevitably produces a diverse data landscape that many businesses find difficult to navigate. Multiple applications scattered across an enterprise managed by different business units creates another layer of complexity.”

I encourage you to read and enjoy this new whitepaper and to share your ideas with me and my team, as we continue in the spirit of collaboration and creative development building IntelligenceHub as an industry platform that advances the value of data coming from multiple vendors, with connectors that send data into a unified cloud domain and use that data to drive personalized, predictive and productive conversations with benefits for all who participate. 

Learn more about IntelligenceHub and download the whitepaper here!

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